My Certifications

ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition

Whether you want to gain muscle, lose fat, or live healthily, your limiting factor usually lies beyond exercise. Poor nutrition is what holds people back. As a certified specialist in this area, I can help you dispel the common myths about nutrition, and then work with you to design a "real world" nutrition plan that you can actually stick with and enjoy.

ISSA Specialist in Senior Fitness

Modern science has given us the ability to slow and even reverse the negative effects of aging. And study after study has shown that seniors are not only capable of real exercise, but can vastly improve their health, strength, mobility, and independence through exercise. As a certified specialist in senior fitness, I can help you set realistic goals for your health, and then enjoy achieving and exceeding them.

ISSA Certified Genetics-Based Program Designer

Whether your goals are weight loss or athletic performance based, your genetics are the only constant the workout program should be based on! As a certified specialist in this area, I can provide you with the genetic test to uncover your individual needs. Based off those results I can build a personalized fitness and nutrition program removing all the guesswork to help you achieve your goals.

ISSA Exercise Recovery Specialist